الجمعة، 2 أبريل 2010

دراسات J.Reynolds عن نقوش كيرينايكي (قورينائية)

نصف قرن من الدراسات حول النقوش الرومانية في ليبيا وتاريخها القديم
في ذكرى بلوغها 90 عاما

* L. Bacchielli and Joyce M. Reynolds, 1987, 'La scultura libica in Cirenaica e la variabilità delle risposte al contatto culturale Greco-Romane', in Quaderni di Archeologia della Libia 12, 457-522.
* G. Caputo and R. G. Goodchild, 1955, 'Diocletian's Price-edict at Ptolemais (Cyrenaica)', Journal of Roman Studies 45, 106-115.
* Catherine Dobias-Lalou, 2000, Le dialecte des inscriptions grecques de Cyrène, Karthago 25, Paris: C.E.A.M..
* Catherine Dobias-Lalou and Fadel Ali Mohamed, 1995, A funerary inscription in archaic script from Cyrene, Libya Antiqua 1 n.s., 55-60.
* R. G. Goodchild, 1950, 'Roman Milestones in Cyrenaica', Papers of the British School at Rome 18, 83-91.
* Fadel Ali Mohamed and Joyce M. Reynolds, 1997, 'New funerary inscriptions from Cyrene', Libya Antiqua 3 n.s., 31-36.
* Fadel Ali Mohamed and Joyce M. Reynolds, 1995, 'Inscriptions from the cemetery at Karsa', Libya Antiqua 1 n.s., 73-78.
* Fadel Ali Mohamed and Joyce M. Reynolds, 1991, 'Some new inscriptions from Cyrenaica', Africa Romana 9, 115-122.
* Fadel Ali Mohamed and Joyce M. Reynolds, 1994, 'Inscriptions recently discovered in Cyrenaica', Africa Romana 11, 1321-1328.
* Fadel Ali Mohamed and Joyce M. Reynolds, 1998, 'Recently-discovered Christian inscriptions in Cyrenaica', Africa Romana 13, 1487-1496.
* Fadel Ali Mohamed and Joyce M. Reynolds, 2000, 'Three new inscriptions from the territory of Cyrene', Africa Romana 14, 1653-1660.
* Joyce M. Reynolds, 1959, 'Four inscriptions from Roman Cyrene', Journal of Roman Studies 49, 95-101.
* Joyce M. Reynolds, 1960, 'The Christian inscriptions of Cyrenaica', Journal of Theological Studies 11, 284-294.
* Joyce M. Reynolds, 1964, 'A sixth-century church at Ras el-Hilal in Cyrenaica. Appendix 1. The Greek and Latin Inscriptions', Papers of the British School at Rome 32, 15-18.
* Joyce M. Reynolds, 1965, 'A Christian funerary curse at Tocra in Cyrenaica', Journal of Theological Studies 16, 462-463.
* Joyce M. Reynolds, 1971, 'New boundary stones from the public land of the Roman people in Cyrenaica', Libya Antiqua 8, 47-49.
* Joyce M. Reynolds, 1976, 'Inscriptions', in ed. J. A. Lloyd Excavations at Sidi Khrebish (vol. I), Society for Libyan Studies, 233-254.
* Joyce M. Reynolds, 1977, 'The Inscriptions of Apollonia', in Libya Antiqua (supp. vol.), Tripoli, 293-333.
* Joyce M. Reynolds, 1980, 'Inscriptions' (appendix), in ed. Elizabeth Alföldi-Rosenbaum and J. B. Ward-Perkins, Justinianic Mosaic Pavements in Cyrenaican Churches, Rome.
* Joyce M. Reynolds, 1987, 'Inscriptions from the Cyrenaican limes', Africa Romana 5, 167-172.
* Joyce M. Reynolds, 1988, 'Inscriptions from the Cyrenaican limes', in ed. A. Mastino L'Africa Romana Atti del V convegno di studio, Sassari 11-13 dicembre 1987, Sassari, 167-172.
* Joyce M. Reynolds, 1990, 'Some inscriptions of Roman Ptolemais', Atti del convegni Lincei 87, 65-74.
* Joyce M. Reynolds, 1996, 'Ephebic inscriptions ai Tocra and Tolmeita in Cyrenaica', Libya Antiqua 2 n.s., 37-44.
* Joyce M. Reynolds, 1999, 'Inscriptions of el Merj and its neighbourhood', Karthago 24, 135-140.
* Joyce M. Reynolds, 2000, 'Byzantine buildings, Justinian and Procopius in Libya Inferior and Libya Superior', Antiquité Tardive 8, 169-176.
* Joyce M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, 1951, Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, Rome.
* J. B. Ward-Perkins and R. G. Goodchild, ed. Joyce M. Reynolds, 2003, Christian Monuments of Cyrenaica, Society for Libyan Studies monograph 4.